
We know the Asiam market and its culture, here we share the topics that we think are most relevant about Asia and the economic situation, which we think can help you make decisions.
7 de March de 2023

Trade shows for commercial kitchen equipment – using Chat GPT

This week I have tried to use AI to write the blog post for me. I have asked ChatGPT to “write a blog post about the most important trade shows for commercial kitchen equipment in the world”, and I have told Stable Diffusion (AI image generator) to create and image […]
22 de September de 2022

Why is the US dollar so strong?

As anyone who buys or sells abroad knows, the US dollar is at a 20 year maximum against the Euro (basically, since the beginnings of the Euro, when many doubted that it would survive) There are many reasons for this situation, but two stand out. First of all, high inflation […]
4 de April de 2022

Why are container costs not going down?

As everybody knows by now, container costs raised tenfold during Covid (yes, multiply by 10). For example, Ningbo-Barcelona 20ft container, from USD700 to USD7500 (but if you really wanted your container to ship on time, you had to pay premium, up to USD9500-10000). The causes that caused container prices to […]
14 de March de 2022

Cheating with Nickel at the London Metal Exchange

Last week was seat and eat popcorn week at the London Exchange Market (LME), the world’s most important market for metal trading, used as a benchmark for metal prices all over the world. It showed how Adam Smith’s invisible hand sometimes goes crazy. Most importantly, it showed that big companies […]
21 de January de 2022

Is eYuan the new bitcoin?

Several of our friends and customers have asked lately in they should invest in electronic Yuan (eYuan), the electronic currency that the Chinese government is testing. They say they have seen it’s the new bitcoin, it’s still cheap because it’s new and it will boom as bitcoin has done. They […]
27 de October de 2021

When will container prices go down?

When container prices shot up during Covid pandemic, we all though that the situation would be transitory. Nobody thought that, more than a year later, the situation would be so dramatic: prices are ten times higher than usual and, even when you pay, it’s very hard to get a container, […]
15 de March de 2021

Container costs go crazy

Just a quick update on this post we wrote analyzing the situation of transportation market, and explaining why the container prices were skyrocketing and how we saw the situation. Here is the current situation (averange prices that WE pay for containers, which is not necessarily the market price): We are […]
29 de January de 2021

Raw material prices about to rocket up?

The weeks before the Chinese New Year holidays are always demanding, but this year beats them all: Big increases in raw material prices Soaring CNY/USD exchange rate Record beating container prices These three factors affect the price directly. But not only that, as Chinese factories will close for 3 weeks […]