Owner of the website and objective.
The owner and owner of this website is GISP Global Information System Proyects, S.L., whose data is the following:
o Owner: GISP Global Information System Proyects, S.L.
o NIF: B-65647034.
o Registry data: : inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Barcelona, tomo 29330, folio 85, sección 8, Hoja 157117.
o Address: Gran Via Carles III, 58B, entl. 2ª · 08028 Barcelona
o o Contact email: info@gisp.com
GISP Global Information System Proyects Projects is an international trade company specialized in importing industrial products from China.
Through this website, information regarding our activity and contact details is made available to the user.
Standards of behavior.
People who visit this website must respect its theme and use its contents appropriately. Especially, not to use them for illicit, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order.
Insulting comments or comments that go against the good tone of this site are not allowed either.
We reserve the right to remove comments that violate these rules and we will not be responsible for the opinions that users may contribute
The publications and contents of this website are subject to copyright and intellectual property, whose owner is GISP Global Information System Projects. These rights will not be transferred or assigned without our written, prior and explicit consent.
Specifically, these texts, publications, diagrams, plans, images, photographs and content may not be reproduced, broadcast, sold, distributed or used, for commercial purposes or not.
Responsibility of the holder.
We will not be responsible for the misuse that users may make of the information published here.
Nor will we be responsible in any case for damages of any kind that may be caused by visiting this website, either by error or omission in the contents or by the transmission of a malicious program that occurs despite having taken the measures necessary technologies to avoid it. In the same way, there will be no responsibility for the contents of external websites that may be linked from this website..
Data protection.
GISP Global Information System Proyects complies with current regulations on data protection, both at the state and European level. More information about the treatment of personal data and the privacy policy of this website at this link: Privacy Policy.
Cookies policy.
Cookies are used on this website to improve user navigation. All the information is detailed in our: cookie policy.
Applicable legislation and jurisdiction.
These legal conditions have been drawn up under Spanish law. In case of conflict in the interpretation of these conditions, the competent jurisdiction will be that of the client’s domicile and, alternatively, the Courts of Barcelona.
Modification of the content of the legal notice.
This legal notice may be modified at any time, taking into account the evolution of this website and the content offered therein.